Market Reports August 4, 2023

Dalton/Whitfield County Residential Sales Report: July 2023

Home sales in Dalton/Whitfield County increased 24% month-over-month, from 38 in June to 47 in July, however, our market movement has fallen 34% year-over-year, from 71 in July of 2022 to 47 in July of 2023.
July sales made a comeback, from the June slump and fell back in line with previous months’ sales volume. July had only 4 fewer sales than May(51) and matched April sales(47), so it appears that the fall in sales volume in June(38) was only a temporary decline.
After the fall in sales in June we have gained active inventory dramatically, increasing from 93 at the start of June to 135 at the start of August. This has resulted in our market’s months supply increasing, and may potentially give buyers more leverage when looking to purchase a home than they have had in recent months.
I do not see any signs of sales increasing to reverse our months supply downward, as we have had fairly consistent pending sales over the past three months (all in the 80s), but that’s not to say the amount of new listings coming to the market couldn’t increase or decrease. I believe a shift in new listing volume will be the main thing to change buying and selling conditions in the market at this point.
Remember, the best way to learn about your local market is through a local realtor, not the national media. While there are factors that play into every market there are many that differ on the local level. So whenever you need to know about the local market contact me!
Jacob B. Mitchell
Cell: 706-581-6401
Office: 706-226-5182
Coldwell Banker Kinard Realty